Innovative Mindset
Cultivate your innovative thinking to change & grow through doing new and different things with impact
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You can only advance so much by doing the same thing again and again but just a little bit better. Monks could still be transcribing manuscripts...better...but without using the innovation of the printing press.
To reorganize yourself at a new and higher level requires innovation...doing something new that you've never done before. Since it's new and different for you, you have to learn how to do it and develop your skill at it. This ability to innovate begins with a change in mindset...to have the self-efficacy and confidence that you can try new and different things in your work and life, and that you can learn how to do them even if you don't know now.
"Don't believe everything you think!"
I will always remember the first time I saw that bumper sticker on someone's laptop. Our thoughts get in the way of us adapting, responding to change, leveraging new opportunities, and innovating in our life and work. This online course will help you to cultivate the mindset for innovation through awareness of your thinking which is both an asset and a liability. Next you will learn techniques for changing your behavior to take action faster.
Get inspired with an interesting project related to my top 50 innovation mindset quotes and other reflective activities.
Big outcomes you could realize from focused action from this program:
1. Reorganize yourself at a higher level through innovation…taking action to learn and do something new and different that has a positive impact for you and others.
2. Get into action doing many small, new and different innovative things but also occasionally some big breakthrough ones that you strategically plan by innovating step-by-step.
3. Do the things you should do that you may not have done. Catch up. Leverage the most important source of new and better ideas…applying technology. Adopt technology at a faster rate. For instance, You use websites all day long. Have you built your own? You can do it in hours.
4. See that you have a history as an innovator (someone who has learned and done new and different things for higher levels of growth and impact). Strategize to do more of them and continue your timeline.
5. Understand the reality of innovation…it is not improvement. It is more like fishing. We may not catch something with each cast but we learn as we go. Fishing is fun…so is innovating.
6. Don’t let thinking stop you from action.
7. Move from less of a fixed mindset to more of a growth mindset.
8. It is a courageous hero’s journey to risk and innovate in your life and work! You have to make it a part of how you work and live on a continuous basis.
Program Curriculum
PreviewGrowing from where you are at with an innovative mindset (2:59)
StartWhat is an innovative mindset? (12:03)
StartYour innovation timeline & motivating origin story (9:04)
StartReorganize yourself at a higher level (6:42)
StartHow to think more rationally so you have confidence to take innovative action. (18:03)
Your Instructor
Darin Eich, Ph.D. is an innovation training workshop designer, design thinking training facilitator, keynote speaker & the founder of InnovationLearning.org. His speciality is designing and facilitating high-impact innovative leadership programs. He is also the author of
Innovation Step-by-Step: How to Create & Develop Ideas for your Challenge and Root Down & Branch Out: Best Practices for Leadership Development Programs.
Darin's passion involves helping people to become themselves, find and live their strengths, and become more creative, innovative and successful leaders. Darin is a conference keynote speaker and helps institutions develop leadership programs & retreats. He also facilitates professional brainstorming, facilitation training, and innovation sessions for large organizations.
A variety of organizations listed below have utilized Darin's innovative facilitation, consulting, keynotes & workshops, and leadership development programs for training and innovation. Our programs and expertise have also been featured in various media publications.