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Design Thinking: Customer Focused Front End of Innovation
Module 1: Design Thinking Innovation: Mining existing customer data and colleague knowledge
Use data and insight your organization already has to learn about unmet customer needs...lean startup style. (15:04)
Module 2: Interviewing your Current or Potential Customers to Clarify the Innovation Direction
Interview your target customers to clarify the challenge they would like you to solve. (7:48)
Modeule 3: Using Customer Insight & Quotes to Communicate & Advance your Concept
Communicate customer validation to your organization in order to advance your project’s next steps. (17:27)
Module 4: Putting your Innovation Skills into Action to Gather Customer Insight and Innovate with it
Engage customers and colleagues in innovating with your organization and connect it to your business strategy. (14:57)
Innovation Step-by-Step Book
Innovation Step-by-Step: How to Create & Develop Ideas for your Challenge (eBook)
Customer Insight at the Front End of Innovation - Resources
Slide handouts you can print and take notes on
Customer insight google form
Customer Innovation Toolkit
Design Thinking Recommended Resources
What is Design Thinking?
Video Interview: What is Design Thinking? (39:16)
Communicate customer validation to your organization in order to advance your project’s next steps.
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